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The process starts when you decide to go for a private or group session where the facilitator will ask you to lie down on a yoga mat and to relax while music is played. At certain moment the facilitator will touch some of the chakras and meridian points on your body. The energy will start flowing throughout your body, taking you to experience your energetic dimension moving. Different phenomena may occurre, for example: your body may move spontaneously liberating emotions and any trauma stored in the body. Your third eye may get active to start giving you deep insights or realizations. Or you will go on a journey of emotional catarsis and bliss.


After the session the energy will continue doing its job of rebalancing your whole energetic system, restoring your central nervous system and rewiring your brain by accelerating the process of awakening to consciousness. The more you do it the deeper you will dive in.

Kundalini Activation Facilitator Training

During six months you will navigate a transformational process that will enable you to become a facilitator so you too, can share this process where energy becomes the Inner Teacher and guidance for a Life in Truth & Love.
Kundalini Activation process
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Is a space for self-investigation and self-discovery with the help of the activation of Kundalini energy as a catalyst for:
  • spiritual awakening,
  • transcendence of suffering, and
  • the integration of expanded states of consciousness.
To contribute to the creation of a more conscious world, in harmony with all living Beings and our planet.

What makes this training different?

Specifically design for those interested in going beyond the workshop and sessions.

This training gives you knowledge emphasizing how the Kundalini energy works at the levels of the body, mind and the soul, hence emphasizing psychological and spiritual integration so you can offer to your clients a holistic service.


If you are a coach, yoga or meditation teacher, body therapist, psychotherapist and you want to be able to work with your clients at profound and transformational levels. This training is for you!


Unlike traditional training programs, this Kundalini Activation Facilitator training takes a holistic approach to personal growth, integrating psychological, spiritual, and energetic principles.

Participants not only learn how to facilitate Kundalini Activation sessions but also gain a deeper understanding of the mind-body-spirit connection and how to support clients in their journey of transformation.


This training program offers a comprehensive curriculum that covers everything from the basics of

  • Kundalini energy to advanced Facilitation.

  • Deep dive into the chakra system,

  • Energy anatomy,

  • Trauma informed facilitation,

  • Psychological integration,

  • Non-dual meditation,

gaining a well-rounded education that prepares you to excel as Kundalini Activation Facilitator.


I believe in the power of experiential learning, which is why your training includes practical exercises, interactive workshops, and hands-on mentoring.

Participants have the opportunity to apply their knowledge in real-life settings, gaining valuable experience and confidence as they progress through the program.


Sofia is a very experienced facilitator who has led workshops and training in Europe and America. She is passionate about the profound process of awakening that Kundalini Activation supports. She is dedicated to supporting your growth and development. With years of experience in energy work, psychotherapy, and spiritual teaching, Sofia provides expert guidance and mentorship every step of the way.


Beyond gaining practical skills and knowledge, participants undergo a profound personal journey of

self-discovery, healing, and empowerment.

By the end of the training, you will emerge as confident, empowered, and purpose-driven individual ready to make a positive impact in the world and step into your leadership role to lead others toward their authenticity and truth.


Ultimately, what sets this training apart is the combination of different knowledge and tools to give you a solid foundation to complement your services as a Facilitator. You will have the opportunity to ad a Kundalini Integrative Coaching  training that is the perfect complement to the facilitator training. In this way you will be able to offer your clients a well round service that helps them integrate and transform their lives. 



The Kundalini Lab Creator

I experienced the process of the Kundalini awakening as chaotic and dramatic but also as the most profound and beautiful process. At that time, back in Germany, no body from conventional medicine areas could help me to understand what was happening with my mind, body and spirit.


The Kundalini LAB is here to help to dismistify the Kundalini energy and bring a deep understanding of what it is and how to surrender to its teachings. 




What Kundalini LAB Facilitators are saying

Kundalini Training Practice
Milana, Mallorca 
- Spain -
Kundalini Training Practice
Emily, Mallorca
- Spain -

“I took the training with Sofia to be able to expand and share this knowledge and vibration. I feel so lucky, Sofía gave us so much with great dedication and generosity. She shares all her wisdom openly, clear, and straightforward. I never get tired of thanking life for this opportunity.”

“This is an inner journey full of depth, healing, peace, love, forgiveness and abundance. During the training Sofia was so informative, patient and most of all taught everything there is to know from the physical and spiritual all the way to the technical and psychological part. I would recommend this training to anyone who finds the combination of knowledge and energy important and relevant.”

Kundalini Training Practice
Kanchan, Mallorca
- Spain -

“This has helped me in my day to day life and not only the Kundalini teachings but also the Psychology knowledge. I never felt bored or overwhelmed because it was a good balance between practice and theory. To learn about and from the energy and how the human mind works is an amazing combination. Sofia’s patience and guidance took me back to trusting my heart.”

Facilitating Kundalini

Do you feel the call to become
a facilitator?

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